Latest News


Today, in our weekly chapel, ECHS commissioned 20 students as they leave on mission trips over spring break. The students will be traveling to Guatemala and India alongside leaders from our partnering mission organization, Touch the World Ministries. Students have been preparing for this trip all year, studying about the culture they will serve, the poverty they may encounter, our call as Christians to serve others, and learning to effectively help those they will serve.

The chapel commissioning service began with a time of student-led worship for our students, faculty and visiting family members. Members of the Touch the World staff shared what it means to be on mission and encouraged everyone in the community to be on mission both over spring break and beyond.

As these students travel and serve around the world, we ask for your prayers. Please be praying for safe travels, effective ministry, and most of all, that God is glorified through these students as they serve others.


Meet our Teams

Guatemala Mission Team
Angelica Castro
Marco De la cruz
Victoria Ghinelli
Tori Holmes
Eileen Lee
Juliana Struyk
Christina Tartini
Maddie Van Goor
Caleb Vazquez
Madison Wynbeek
Mr. Sam Vazquez (leader)
Miss Joan Hoogerhyde (leader)
Miss Julia Rivera (leader)

India Mission Team
Lauren Choi
Cesca DeParis
Samantha Frank
Haoyang Huang
Joe Jiang
Dan Kuder
Jaclyn Vincenti
Yeremiya Wright
Simon Zhang
Stephanie Zhang
Mrs. Ruth Kuder (leader)
Mr. Rich Kuder (leader)
Mrs. Kristen Gorter (leader)